Sweet, crisp, hand-crafted pixels.
Printing pixels had been a prominent concept in my head for a while, and in general, the push & pull between digital & analog. I tapped into my nostalgia for classic video games as inspiration, and selected original 8bit characters to abstract into geometric compositions.

For such a digital-centric design, it was very important to me to use completely analog printing methods. All of the films for the series were hand-cut out of rubylith, and meticulously aligned for a perfect registration.
I didn’t realize it until later, but the focus on abstraction was subconsciously influenced by a difficult, sudden change in my life at the time. The long process of creating dozens of compositions by manipulating forms, breaking grids, shattering shapes, fixing grids…
It all proved very therapeutic and I believe, produced much better work.

Original screen printed poster series made for
Iskra Print Collective Presents: Raised on Paper
Close-up of a Persistent Plumber
3-color print
Printed on 100# Finch, cream
19 x 25 inches
Close-up of an Armored Android
3-color print
Printed on 100# Finch, cream
19 x 25 inches
Close-up of a Courageous Lefty
3-color print
Printed on 100# Finch, cream
19 x 25 inches
Persistent Plumber
3-color print
Printed on 100# Finch, cream
9 x 9 inches
Courageous Lefty
3-color print
Printed on 100# Finch, cream
9 x 9 inches

Earthtones for Bucketfeet
Screen print on canvas
Men’s sizes 8-13